Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

Microsoft Compact Optical Mouse 500 (U81-00010) (Black)

Special deals Microsoft Compact Optical Mouse 500 (U81-00010) (Black) reviews & best price. Microsoft Compact Optical Mouse 500 (U81-00010) (Black), there may also available for holidays deals such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving, or Cyber Monday or others holiday deals as well. However please check more details at the most trusted online store we provided by clicking "Get lowest Price!" or "Read Full Reviews" buttons before making any purchases.
Microsoft Compact Optical Mouse 500 (U81-00010) (Black)

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Seller : Microsoft

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    Product Description
    This affordable, compact mouse with Microsoft Optical Technology is an ideal companion for on the go notebooks where work space is at a premium. It delivers precise cursor control on a wide variety of surfaces, and is comfortable in either hand.

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