Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

Microsoft 3000 Mouse - Optical - Wired - USB - Scroll Wheel - 3 Button(s) - Symmetrical

Special offers Microsoft 3000 Mouse - Optical - Wired - USB - Scroll Wheel - 3 Button(s) - Symmetrical reviews & best price. Microsoft 3000 Mouse - Optical - Wired - USB - Scroll Wheel - 3 Button(s) - Symmetrical, there may also available for holidays deals such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving, or Cyber Monday or others holiday deals as well. However please check more details at the most trusted online store we provided by clicking "Get lowest Price!" or "Read Full Reviews" buttons before making any purchases.
Microsoft 3000 Mouse - Optical - Wired - USB - Scroll Wheel - 3 Button(s) - Symmetrical

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Seller : Microsoft

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    • New - Retail
    • 1-Year Warranty
    • Microsoft S9J-00001
    • Microsoft 3000 Mouse - Optical - Wired - USB - Scroll Wheel - 3 Button(s) - Symmetrical
Product Description

Microsoft's Comfort Mouse 3000 is designed for easy use with either your right or left hand on your Windows or Mac computer. This mouse has three, customizable clickable buttons and a standard, vertical scroll wheel. Plus, it utilizes Microsoft's BlueTrack Technology that allows it to work on almost any surface. To start using the mouse, connect its built-in cable to a USB port on your computer.


Rubber side grips and a contoured shape for either hand Comes with three customizable buttons BlueTrack Technology allows this mouse to go virtually anywhere Designed for trouble-free performance, eliminating the worry of battery life

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